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Carrying out organic control activities for invasive plant species

This operation aims at culling priority invasive species on Wallis & Futuna by using biocontrol agents and protecting native biodiversity.

2 actions

Identify priority species and conduct experiments targeted to local conditions (WF)

A territorial workshop will be held for stakeholders to identify priority species for which there is a known biocontrol agent. A biocontrol agent can be an insect, fungus or other micro-organism found in the invasive species’ original habitat. Once the priority invasive species have been identified, trials tailored to Wallis & Futuna’s environment will be carried out to ensure the biocontrol agent does not have any other potential hosts in the territory.

Deploy organic control agents (WF)

Once the specific trials have been conducted, the process of importing and introducing biocontrol agents will begin. Some agents move independently while others need to be introduced to specific sites.

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