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Governance and Operations

Overall governance

The project’s overall governance arises from the agreements that provide its framework, i.e.
  • the Funding Agreement signed by the President of New Caledonia, the Regional Authorising Officer representing the four OCTs and the European Union on 10 April 2018

  • the Delegation Agreement signed by the European Union, the Pacific Community, and the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme on 26 October 2018.

Project implementation committees

At the Territorial Level
Territorial coordination committees (TCC/CCT)
approve territorial technical programme action plans for the coming year, within the framework of the regional action plan approved by the Regional Steering Committee; coordinate monitoring of ongoing territorial-based activities; facilitate exchanges.
At the Regional Level
The Regional Steering Committee (COPIL in French)
approves the technical programme for the coming year and the outcomes of the activities during the previous year; monitors all the activities under way; facilitates exchanges of information with other regional projects.

A multi-stakeholder project

This project is funded by the European Union.
Its oversight is ensured by New Caledonia as the project’s Regional Authorising Officer, along with the European Development Fund (EDF) territorial authorising officers for French Polynesia, Wallis & Futuna and Pitcairn. The project is being implemented by SPC and SPREP as Pacific regional organisations.

Lead agencies

The 12 lead agencies coordinate, facilitate and support implementation of the activities for each theme in their territories. They were identified and appointed by their respective territorial authorising officers.

For each territory and theme, the role of the lead agency mainly consists of:

  • facilitating discussions and ensuring coordination with that theme’s partners (multi-stakeholder discussions, joint design of actions, partner support, sharing information with partners, holding territorial technical workshops),
  • monitoring action implementation (monitor activities, support territorial partners, identify synergies between the theme’s activities, identify cross-sector opportunities),
  • drafting technical and financial reports on the activities in the territory on each theme along with informational materials about the project.

The project team focal points within each lead agency are the PROTEGE-funded facilitators.

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Project architecture

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