Removing obstacles to the development of organic agriculture
This operation is designed to facilitate access to POS-authorised inputs to those crop and livestock farmers who want to covert to organic agriculture. Some inputs cannot be produced locally such as certain market-garden seeds. So the operation is designed to introduce non-chemical border treatments that are approved by the biosecurity services of the various territories and by POETCom. For other inputs such as chicken and pig feed that are imported from outside or from Tahiti to the outlying island groups, the goal is to produce them from local resources that are certified-organic where possible and to develop new protein sources through insect farming (black soldier fly). Finally, once export possibilities have been identified, work can be done on identifying boarder biosecurity treatments that allow such seeds to keep their organic certification.
2 actions

• Identify available animal-feed resources and those that could be produced locally (including insect farming)
• Formulate and produce feed rations and assess the costs of locally produced feed
• Evaluate the technical and economic results for such local and organic feed
• Share those formulas that are economically viable for farmers

• Prioritise the organic seeds to be imported
• Structure the supply chain with seed suppliers, farmers’ organisations and biosecurity agencies
• Conduct a risk analysis, where appropriate
• Develop proposals to adapt biosecurity regulations (list of quarantine agencies, preventive and corrective treatments at import)
• Identify biosecurity treatments that are compatible with the requirements of organic agriculture.