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To develop the valorization and transformation of Wallisian and Futunian agricultural products through the exchange of expertise with French Polynesia.

The Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts, and Agriculture (CCIMA) of Wallis and Futuna and the Chamber of Agriculture and Lagoon Fisheries (CAPL) of French Polynesia responded to a call for projects launched by the Pacific Community (CPS) through the PROTEGE project to support operations contributing to strengthening food systems security.

The project submitted aimed to develop the valorization and transformation of Wallisian and Futunian agricultural products through the exchange of expertise with French Polynesia.

Initiated by CCIMA, the project stemmed from the observation of the underdevelopment of Wallisian and Futunian agriculture, particularly the very low transformation of products that continue to be traditionally cultivated: tubers, taro, cassava, yams, kapé, and breadfruit. These products could be transformed to acquire more value, be consistently available, and reach a broader audience, especially in collective and commercial catering and among the diaspora seeking "local" products.

French Polynesia has experience in this field and a dynamic private sector from which Wallisian and Futunian actors wish to learn.

The project submitted by CCIMA and CAPL, supported by the European Union through PROTEGE, unfolds in 5 stages:

  1. Diagnostic and prioritization of products,
  2. Methodological support for CCIMA,
  3. Organization of a mission for farmers and technicians from CCIMA to meet Polynesian producers and attend the Agricultural Fair in Papeete in September/October,
  4. Organization of training and communications in Wallis and Futuna and the acquisition of processing equipment,
  5. Hosting a delegation of Polynesian producers in Wallis during the first Christmas Agricultural Fair in December.

Eight people from Wallis and three from Futuna participated in the mission organized by CAPL from September 23 to October 8, 2023, in French Polynesia. During this period, they met about thirty producers/organizations and explored a wide variety of products, techniques, and agro-transformation locations in Papeete and Moorea: production of tuber flours, breadfruit flakes, pineapple, fruit juice, noni, oil mills, honey, sugarcane, aquaculture, food training workshops, training at agricultural high schools in Moorea and Taravao, school canteen, fish fertilizer production, etc.

The delegation also attended the Agricultural Fair in Papeete and had the opportunity to meet other producers and equipment suppliers and discover techniques to introduce in Wallis and Futuna. As honored guests, they participated in various juries that awarded the most beautiful stand, the most beautiful basket, the best jams, different varieties of bananas, taro, etc. This experience served as a wealth of ideas for the organization of the first Agricultural Fair in Wallis on December 15 and 16, with the return presence of the Polynesian delegation.

During this mission, the delegation led by CCIMA also discovered several innovative initiatives created by CAPL to encourage and support production, such as solidarity garden kits, which directly benefit families, and mobile chicken coops. CAPL also advised CCIMA on processing equipment suitable for projects, communication tools, and reproducible training programs in Wallis and Futuna.

Délégation Wallisienne en Polynésie française

CCIMA on the sets of the Polynesian press!



CCIMA on the sets of the Polynesian press!
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