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PROTEGE (“Pacific Territories Regional Project for Sustainable Ecosystem Management” or “protect” in French) is an initiative designed to promote sustainable and climate-change-resilient economic development in the European Pacific overseas countries and territories (OCT) by emphasising biodiversity and renewable resources.

PROTEGE is a regional cooperation project that supports the public policies of the four Pacific OCTs, i.e. New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Wallis & Futuna and Pitcairn.

PROTEGE will receive EUR 36 million from the European Development Fund’s (EDF) regional budget along with cofunding of some EUR 128,000 from the three French territories.

Implemented by the Pacific Community (SPC - Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Programme) and the Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP) for a period of four years (2018-2022), PROTEGE intervenes in support of the public policies of the countries and territories concerned.

This website has been designed according to a Social and Environmental Responsibility approach in order to make it accessible to as many people as possible, in particular to people with visual disabilities. Digital accessibility guarantees equal access for all, but also contributes to the general quality of the services, their ergonomics and their ease of use. It therefore benefits everyone.


This website has been created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Pacific Community and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.