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 - 08 February 2023

12 sites to be equipped with disinfection stations in New Caledonia

Drinking water quality is a public health issue in many regions around the world.

Water-borne infectious diseases, linked in particular to the ingestion of untreated and uncontrolled water, cause up to 3.2 million deaths per year in the world (source: WHO website).
In New Caledonia, the latest report from the Department of Health and Social Affairs (DASS-NC) shows that 38% of communal water distribution units lack disinfection treatment and are therefore potentially concerned by health risks linked to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the water consumed.

Faced with this situation, New Caledonia wished to help volunteer municipalities by supporting them in the installation of disinfection devices on the water distribution units deemed to be the most at risk.

This project is part of New Caledonia's Shared Water Policy.

To date, 12 sites in the municipalities of Thio, Canala, Ponerihouen and Kaala-Gomen have been selected for the project. The municipalitie of Thio was the first to benefit from the installation of two water disinfection systems (bleach and electrochlorination) on the Grand Borendy and Saille distribution units. The work on Thio was handed over on December 22 in the presence of the town hall and the companies EPUREAU and SOPRONER. The 10 other selected sites will be the object of works during 2023.

Once the disinfection systems have been installed, they will enable the municipalities concerned to ensure better control of the bacteriological risk associated with their drinking water by eliminating pathogenic micro-organisms such as Escherichia Coli and the enterococci, bacteria of faecal origin responsible for gastroenteritis and urinary tract infections in the population, particularly the most vulnerable (children, the elderly, immunocompromised people, etc.).

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