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“Tell me about Europe in the Pacific" competition

The Vice-rectorate of New Caledonia organized a competition for New Caledonian secondary school students on Europe in the Pacific. The Pacific Community is a partner of the event.

On the initiative of the Vice-rectorate of New Caledonia, the competition "Tell me about Europe in the Pacific" was launched shortly after the start of the 2022 school year among all New Caledonian secondary schools (vocational, public and private).

In just a few months, several groups of 4 to 10 students, with the help of their teachers, produced films, board games and other feats on Europe in New Caledonia but also in the Pacific.

The closing ceremony was held on Wednesday 3 August on the site of the Pacific Community, partner of the event, in the presence of Mr Pierre-Henri Helleputte, Head of the European Union Office for the Pacific.

A total of 8 student groups were selected by a jury of professionals/institutional representatives. The winners, accompanied by their teachers, received their prizes from the various partner institutions (Vice-rectorate of New Caledonia, European Union, South Province, Pacific Community, University of New Caledonia etc.). Some municipalities were also represented (Noumea and Païta town halls).

The 32 winning students will benefit from a well-deserved 3-day stay in Nouméa in the next few weeks!

The PROTEGE project supported the competition in various ways (information through a youth folder, organizational and financial assistance, prize-giving etc.).

Cérémonie de clôture et de remise des prix du concours "Raconte-moi l'Europe dans le Pacifique"

"I am very happy to be here with my group and to have won a prize in the "Tell me about Europe in the Pacific" competition. We enjoyed creating a board game about Europe in the Pacific. It was a great pride to win", says William, a student at the Père Guéneau vocational high school in Bourail.

The board game created by the group of students from Bourail focused on questions about Europe and the PROTEGE project (funded by the 11th regional EDF).

William, from the Père Guéneau vocational school in Bourail.

Some of the winning Caledonian students and their teachers.

Some of the winning Caledonian students and their teachers.
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