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Presentation of PROTEGE at the Congress of New Caledonia

As part of an information process for the institutions of the territory, a presentation of the PROTEGE project was made to two congress commissions: the commission for external relations (CRE) and the commission for public infrastructures, regional planning, sustainable development, energy, transport and communication (IPATDDETC).

Information on the project in New Caledonia and its progress was provided to congress in the presence of he President and a member of the Government, the Regional Cooperation and External Relations Service, the Head of the European Union Office in Nouméa and the Deputy Director of the Pacific Community,

The major actions undertaken were discussed, including, for example, on the theme of agriculture and forestry, the setting up of a network of 13 agro-ecology demonstration farms to promote climate-resilient practices and the transfer of references to all agricultural stakeholders in New Caledonia.

On the theme of coastal fisheries and aquaculture, the creation of a coastal fisheries observatory to collect and monitor fishing data at the national level.

On the theme of water management, the team presented the various operations for the protection and restoration of catchment basins, actions aimed at reducing flood or health risks.

On the theme of invasive species: the implementation of operations to regulate invasive ungulates through management actions using helicopter gunships, ground drives and the installation of cage traps. 

The development of regional cooperation actions has slowed down due to the COVID sanitary crisis, but some operations are underway, notably with Wallis and Futuna.

At the end of the presentation, which was intended to be synthetic and non-exhaustive, and which presented the progress made in New Caledonia as a matter of priority, many exchanges took place with the elected representatives, who specified their interest in the project both in terms of the actions carried out in New Caledonia and at regional level.



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