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Design of a new tool to monitor the quality of the marine environment in an aquaculture context

As part of PROTEGE, the Department of Marine Resources (DMR) presented a guide for monitoring the marine environment under the influence of aquaculture and pearl farming on February 15 2022.

In the presence of Tea Forgier and Jean Christophe Auffray, respectively research delegate and research and technology territorial delegate, the DRM presented to the study offices, researchers, and fish farmers a new tool designed to assist operators and management committees in the implementation of environmental monitoring systems.

Co-produced by MELANOPUS (BOUVET Guénolé) and CMOANA CONSULTING (MORITZ Charlotte ), the guide proposes a method : to identify the pressures exerted by an aquaculture and pearl farming activity and to define useful parameters for the implementation of an environmental monitoring. The guide establishes the different forcing according to the activities of hatchery, pearl farming, fish, and shrimp farming in cages and in land-based tanks. It also introduces a series of parameters and relevant sampling points for monitoring to achieve the defined objectives. Six examples illustrate different contexts and optimal monitoring to be implemented.


During the presentation, the discussions lead to the mention of various problems encountered by the actors concerning the clarity of the regulations, the presence of control, the sharing of costs, the banking and the mutualization of data.

This methodological tool is a first version that will evolve over time. It also highlights the importance of collecting standardized data to act effectively and preserve our environments.

Consult the guide on the DRM website.

Download the guide in the Documentation area of PROTEGE website.

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