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Agriculture and forestry
 - 17 March 2022

At the Chamber of Agriculture and Fisheries of New Caledonia, PROTEGE’s team is getting stronger!

Always in support of farmers, PROTEGE is continuing its missions and acquiring new recruits in New Caledonia.


To this end, in 2022, four new faces have joined CAP-NC's PROTEGE team in New Caledonia: 


- Guillaume Demangeau arrived in early February as PROTEGE’s Agroecology Demonstration Farm Network facilitator.

- Mathilde Alphand joined the team in December as a technical animator, to strengthen the field actions. She will work part-time until June 2022.

- Two interns from Isara school (engineering school of agronomy, agri-food, and environment), Vincent Turpault and Hugo Bourgez, joined PROTEGE at the beginning of March (until August) to carry out the analysis of data from the demonstration farms.


Read the article about them in the February/March 2022 issue of Calédonie Agricole: HERE

Contact PROTEGE team at CAP-NC: 93 52 75 / 73 93 26 - [email protected]

Wishing them a warm welcome to PROTEGE team serving farmers in the Pacific Overseas Countries and Territories!

Guillaume Demangeau

Mathilde Alphand

Mathilde Alphand

Vincent Turpault et Hugo Bourgez

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